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Cyber Learn Conference 2023

/ 2 min read

I had an awesome time at Cyber Launch’s Cybersecurity conference/competition held at the Bryan Glazer Family JCC in Tampa, FL. The conference hosted dozens of schools and even more teams of Cybersecurity students from around the Greater Tampa Bay Area. Cyber Launch offered teams of ten the opportunity to perform highly invigorating Cybersecurity challenges.

One such challenge tasked us with creating a detailed executive summary of a simulated incident for our fake company. This incident was related to the vulnerability CVE 2001-0886, and the many vectors of attack the threat actor took on our company. Despite being relatively new to these concepts, we were extremely successful in terms of our communication and overall creation of the executive summary!

Another challenge we participated in was a NICE Challenge regarding Active Directory and a Malware Removal environment. Due to our prior expertise and documentation, we finished both of the NICE challenge labs in an astonishing one minute!!!

I would also like to thank Seeyew Mo for coming in today and speaking about the great opportunities we have as a generation in Cybersecurity. It truely is a life-changing oppurtunity to be where I am today.

// The Curated Practice

The Nice Challenge Boot Camp mentioned in my blog has tremendously helped my team! My teammates and I also practiced creating a professional incident response executive summary based on an assortment of cybersecurity incidents. Some of these incidents include ransomware, email database leaks, social engineering, and more.

// Here is an image of the event!
